Has the new journal come out?

Yes! The inaugural issue of Swedish American Studies was published in the fall of 2024. The next issue, Volume 76, will be published in the fall of 2025, and the Society plans to continue its annual fall release schedule.

How can I access Swedish-American Studies?

Members of the Swedish-American Historical Society receive an annual copy of the journal as a benefit of their membership. Become a member here.

If you are an academic, your university library may already subscribe to the journal. A list of subscribing institutions is forthcoming, or recommend a subscription to your library’s acquisitions manager.

What kind of access is available to Swedish-American Studies?

Members at the Regular level are eligible for either a paper subscription or a digital subscription to the journal. Members at the Sustaining level and above are eligible for a paper, digital, or combined paper and digital subscription to the journal. Please indicate your preference while purchasing your membership.

How do you get digital access?

Indicate your preference for a digital subscription to the journal when you sign up for a membership with the society. Once your membership has been processed, you will receive a link from Project MUSE to sign up for an account. After signing up for an account, you will be able to access the Project MUSE portal containing Swedish-American Studies.

How do I get access to the back issues?

A digital subscription through Project MUSE includes access to all issues of Swedish-American Pioneer Quarterly, Swedish-American Historical Quarterly, and Swedish-American Studies

The Swedish American Archives of Greater Chicago are coordinating with Project MUSE and the University of Minnesota Press to provide access to back issues of the journal. While this process occurs, some back issues may still be available through CARLI. However, the best way to ensure continual access to the historic catalogue of the Society’s journal is through a membership.

Can I log into Project MUSE through my University to access back issues of the journal?

Maybe. It depends on the number of databases your institutional library is subscribed to. If you have trouble accessing digital copies of the journal through your university, contact your library team to ask about their subscription. We would be happy to chat with your institution library about subscribing through the University of Minnesota Press.

What if my university does not get a digital subscription? How can I access a PDF for my class?

Request back issues and journal articles through ILLIAD. If this service is not available, contact the Swedish American Archives of Greater Chicago for additional help.

How do I contribute to the next issue of Swedish-American Studies?

Refer to our call for articles and the requirements listed on the University of Minnesota website for more information.